Friday, August 7, 2009

The Japanese Garden, Buffalo, New York

The Japanese Garden in Buffalo, New York is located
near the lake in Delaware Park

This area is peaceful and serene

Each area of the garden is carefully planned

Tranquil pathway leads to upper garden

I thought you might enjoy this glimpse of a tranquil garden which has
many perennials best suited for shade gardens

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Herbs, Tomatoes and August Garden Chores

This year I did not grow vegetables -

but I do have some parsley on hand.

I grew two patio containers of tomatoes and have had a wonderful
crop so far - there is nothing like tasting a tomato picked fresh from the vine.

I have several varieties of mint which has a pleasant odor and helps to repel mosquitoes. Also, cats do not care for the smell of mint.
Caution: mint can be very invasive
so be careful where you plant it. One method is to plant it into a plastic plant container and place into the soil. The container will contain the roots as they try to spread around.

August garden chores

WEEDING: The main chore this month is weeding: Every weed pulled now is a hundred or more that you don’t have to deal with later. Don’t let them go to seed.

Take a look at each flower bed weekly, since weeds are not just unsightly but steal moisture, nutrients and light from desired plants.

DEADHEAD: faded flower stalks and blossoms of annuals and perennials unless they have showy seed heads, or you want to collect the seeds later (non-hybrids only).This will stimulate regrowth of new stems and bloom.

DIVIDE: spring-blooming perennials like gaillardia, violets, Louisiana iris, bearded iris, Shasta daisies, etc. Replant into a bed to which you have added compost, humus or manure, and water well to help them re-establish.

DAYLILIES: can be dug and divided as they complete their bloom cycle, right into fall, if needed.