Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Entranceway to my Home - Blooms in May

Hello friends!

I am glad to be back on the Peace Garden after a very long winter and a wet and chilly spring.

Today is reported to be the first day of uninterrupted sunshine in my town.

Yes, there has been so much rain that it has been difficult to work outside but most of us have been busy planning our window boxes and plant containers.

This window box is near my front door but also in my bedroom window. It is filled with pansies, impatiens, alyssum, petunias and vinca vines. It is the first thing that I see when I wake in the morning and I enjoy the view every day.

Here are some photos of my front porch as you enter my home.
All of the flowers here are annuals.

Nicotiana and petunias

Note the sweet potato vine in this planter - by the end of the season it will be trailing on the ground - It is a great accent to add to plant containers.

This hanging basket was a gift from my family on Mother's Day. :-)

I look forward to chatting with you over the next few months.


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